
What is the MOST NY? Vote in our special NYC March Madness bracket to determine the ultimate city icon!

Statue of Liberty illustration at Brooklyn Bridge
What is the Most NY thing you can think of? You can decide through our The Most NY March Madness bracket!
Illustration by Sylvan Migdal

What is the most New York thing you can think of?

For years, Rick McGuire has been asking the question “What Is New York?” As the man behind the popular Instagram accounts @whatisnewyork, @subwaycreatures and more, he’s seen it all, from snakes on a train to pizza rats to, what he’s described as, “real life Grand Theft Auto.”

That’s why amNewYork partnered with him to tell more of New York’s weirdest, wildest untold stories in our amNewYork x What Is New York newsletter.

And, well, we’re no closer to answering exactly what IS New York, so we’re asking you. Close your eyes, what is the MOST New York thing you can think of? The Statue of Liberty? An everything bagel? Bodega cats? Fuhgeddaboudit!

We want New Yorkers to help us decide what is the most quintessentially New York thing.

In the spirit of March Madness we’ve devised a tournament, and New Yorkers will choose the winner of each matchup on the @amnewyork Instagram account throughout the month of March, starting today!

special NYC March Madness bracket

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